Portugal Holds Presidency of European Union
President Jose Socrates, "I think that the most important thing is to start the intergovernmental conference on the proposed treaty as quickly as possible. We will start it on the 23rd of this month and see if we can complete all the negotiation so the leaders can discuss the text at the next summit. And maybe even approve it!" said Socrates.
That all private EU households should have the right to choose between gas and electricty suppliers is a bit ludicrous given the fact that whether gas is renewable or not, it's certainly not renewable in the lifetimes of those that have gone befoe nor those that are t com in the foreseable future! It should be "all private EU oueholds should have the right to choose between electricity supplied thorugh renewalbe resources such as photovoltaics, wind turbine, water turbine (ocean waves, river/waterfall)
The goal should be that each household is self sufficient unto itself or each small neighborhood is self sufficient unto itself.
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