
Watersaver Add-on (Water Questionnaire #1)

Watersaver Add-on
Originally uploaded by Earthworm.
Earthworm took this picture, and she says: It looks a bit like a scrotum. This mail order device from diverts the water from the downspout to anywhere you want it to go, usually into a rainbarrel. You don't have to move it when the barrel is full because it is designed to divert water back down the spout, so you don't have to have an overflow valve on your barrel. You can also get a metal one from another company. I think I went with this one because it seemed simpler to install and matched the downspout. The advantage of the device is that you can hide the barrels some distance away. This is important because otherwise the barrels would be in front of my office window blocking my view."

  1. Do you collect rain water?
  2. Under what circumstances would you consider doing this?


Carlos Boto said...


Amazing blog!!!!!
I am very happy for making part of your contacts!

Enjoy Portugal!
Enjoy live!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ëarithranduil. Come visit and comment anytime. :)

Nothingandall said...

Hello! I want to say I don't collect water rain. Good luck!